link: markdown content

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Note Layout Title

My Obsidian Workflow

Even the longest journey starts with a single step. I was searching for a way to organise knowledge and remember it, and there are many very good systems that can help. The best option might be to find a system you like and then customise and reorganise it to fit your needs.


[!Note] Underscores and Private Directories Inspired by the programming concept of private variables, these directories are used by the system to store things that the general public (or readers) need not bother with. Examples include:

Important properties

There are two types of properties i will use, essential and optional. Essential properties must be included since those will help indexing and finding the relevant notes. Some plugins like Dataview requires metadata to be included so you can query relevant information. In future i will probably use some static site generators or frameworks to publish my notes as an [[online digital garden]]. Such frameworks require properties like title and description to improve search engine optimisation, or published being set to true or false which enables you to store the written note as an draft while you still work on it.

Create the [[_dataview_database/index|Dataview index]] to query the list of available frontmatter properties. It is important to review the index file with key-value pairs that are used often and don’t create new key-value pairs if it is not necessary. If i already have source: web there is no need to create additional source: article and source: blog. If i already have URL property there is no need to create additional link property. Not going to wide will help later when you need to search for information.

[!tip]+ Essential properties

[!tip]+ Optional properties

Type property

Utilising YAML frontmatter, type is essential property that must be set for every file and with only one value written as a double quoted string.

It would be a mess going to wide with different types of notes. It will for sure loose the purpose. When i see a need to expand the list of available values i will for sure add more.

dv.header(3, "Current type values");

let types = {};
for (let file of dv.pages()) {
    if (file.type) {
        types[file.type] = (types[file.type] || 0) + 1;

dv.table(["Type", "Count"], 
    Object.entries(types).map(([type, count]) => [type, count])


Linking Notes

Most, if not all my notes have listed additional reading materials or references at the bottom. Since note systems have a tendency to grow over time it would be wise to review them on a regular basis and include both inbound and outbound links to new notes or reference material if it becomes available. Frontmatter can have status variable to indicate the level of maturity or completeness. There is a [[_dataview_database/properties - status property|dataview index file]] tracking the status stages of the whole vault.

Large number of notes can be time consuming to review. Try using dataview queries as an [[_dataview_database/index|index page]] and try to build a [[02_Ideas_and_projects/ideas/maps of content|maps of content]] that will help with establishing connections between related topics.


Now is all we truly have

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