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Connection oriented protocol, before any communication both client and a server must verify a connection by utilizing a “three-way handshake”. It is an exchange of SYN (Synchronize Sequence Number) and ACK (Acknowledgement Sequence Number) packets.
Only after connection is verified the data can be delivered. Delivery of data is guaranteed. If something happens to data packet the sender will send it again until full data packet is received.
All these steps are necessary to verify the serial numbers originated by both sides, guaranteeing the stability of the connection.
Since both hosts must acknowledge the connection parameters of the other side, a missing or out-of-order segment can be quickly detected before the actual data transfer process is initiated.
Sends and receives the data but it is connectionless, it will not establish the session and will not guarantee data delivery. Fire and forget protocol, does not care if data is delivered so it’s a lot faster but less reliable.
The present is the only time we truly have.
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